Do I qualify for weight loss surgery

Do I qualify for weight loss surgery?

Welcome to Surgical Associates, where your health is our primary concern. If you are considering weight loss surgery, it’s important to understand if you qualify for the procedure. Weight loss surgery isn’t for everyone, and it especially is not a quick fix. Let’s delve deep into the specifics of what could make you an eligible candidate for weight loss surgery. 

Note: Weight loss surgery should ideally be seen as the last resort after trying multiple weight loss methods such as dieting and exercise.

Do You Qualify for Weight Loss Surgery? 

To determine if you’re eligible for weight loss surgery, you will need to satisfy a few set criteria and requirements.

1. Age Requirement for Weight Loss Surgery 

You must be at least 18 years old to qualify for weight loss surgery. This is largely due to the nature of the procedure and the responsibility it comes with in terms of post-op care and lifestyle changes. However, exceptions may exist when adolescence obesity is severe and other weight loss methods are not successful. 

2. Body Mass Index (BMI) Criteria 

A crucial indicator of eligibility for weight loss surgery is your Body Mass Index (BMI). Typically, candidates have a BMI of 40 or above. However, if your BMI is 35 or above, and you suffer from a serious weight-related health issue such as type 2 diabetes, high hypertension, or severe sleep apnea, you might also qualify. In such cases, weight loss surgery could alleviate the symptoms of these conditions and improve your overall health. 

3. Unsuccessful Weight Loss Attempts 

Before considering surgery, it’s expected that you’ve made serious, guided attempts to lose weight through lifestyle changes such as improved diet and regular physical activity. Surgery is often seen as a last resort when these efforts have not surgery requires significant mental and emotional preparedness. Understanding the procedure, setting realistic expectations, and getting ready to adapt to the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes post-surgery are essential. Having supportive networks and managing stress are also key components of successful outcomes. 

Things to consider before going ahead with weight loss sergery

If you’re thinking of going ahead with weight loss surgery and you meet the above criteria, it’s still crucial to understand what weight loss surgery entails…

Weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, includes a variety of procedures performed on people who have obesity. The purpose of these procedures is to reduce the size of the stomach, limiting the person’s food intake and absorption to promote weight loss. 

However, making the decision to go under the knife is not one to be taken lightly. There are several important factors that you should think about before going ahead with weight loss surgery. 

Your Current Health Status 

Obesity-related health conditions: If you’re suffering from health issues like hypertension, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, fatty liver disease or heart disease, weight loss surgery could potentially improve your health by reducing your body’s fat mass. 

Mental Preparedness 

It’s critical to be mentally prepared for the changes that will come with the surgery. One must be committed to a life-long lifestyle change that includes a healthy diet and routine exercise. Psychological counselling may be required as part of the preparation process. 

Weight Loss History 

Surgeons often prefer patients who have demonstrated some level of effort to lose weight through diet and exercise before considering surgery. This shows a commitment to changing excessive eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle, which are crucial for the success of the surgery. 

Understanding the Risks 

As with any surgery, there are risks involved. These could range from minor complications, such as wound infection, to serious, life-threatening problems. Thus, fully understanding the potential risks and complications is important. 

Remember: Each individual’s circumstances are distinctive, and the points above are not exhaustive. It’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional to get the most accurate information based on your personal situation.

If you’re looking for weight loss surgery in Delaware and you meet the requirements above, contact us now for a consultation. Our seasoned health professionals can assist you along your weight loss path, guiding you towards a more joyous and healthier lifestyle.