How Long Does a Colonoscopy Take?

How Long Does a Colonoscopy Take?

A colonoscopy is a common medical procedure. Find out how long it really takes.

A colonoscopy is a process that most adults end up needing at some point in their lives. This is an important medical practice that can provide valuable medical insights and even help to save lives–but it isn’t a process that most people look forward to. If you are scheduled for a colonoscopy or likely need one in the future, you might be wondering what to expect. In this article, we will address these concerns and what you need to know.

Breaking Down What to Expect from a Colonoscopy

When doctors consider you at risk of certain kinds of medical complications, they will recommend procedures and exams to ensure your safety. A colonoscopy is one of these options, and they are often recommended for people as they get older or in the event that they seem to be at an elevated level of risk. What does this all mean?

What is a Colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy is a type of examination where the doctor will look at your bowels using a camera. The camera is inserted through the anus and will provide valuable insights into your health. Specifically, doctors use this to check for potential cancer, as well as any growths that might cause problems down the line. Though this process is not surgical in nature, it can be fairly invasive. 

How Long Does a Colonoscopy Take to Complete?

The length of a colonoscopy can vary from one appointment to another. Though the process itself is fairly quick, the surrounding processes can certainly increase how long everything takes. Most people find themselves at the hospital for at least a couple of hours when they receive a colonoscopy. 

The colonoscopy procedure itself generally takes anywhere from 15 to 60 minutes depending on how everything plays out and what the doctors see. However, there is preparation time that happens before this and a period of recovery after that can extend how long the process takes overall.

Recovering from a Colonoscopy

You should begin to start recovering from your colonoscopy the moment that the procedure is over. Most people should expect about an hour for the anesthesia to start wearing off. There might be some minor bloating and cramping following the procedure, but this should not have a large impact on your life. However, if you have any polyps or anything removed, your recovery time might extend up to a week or more in total.

The Takeaway

A colonoscopy can save your life. While you might not look forward to it, it is an important procedure. To ensure a positive experience, you will want to work with a trusted medical team. This will allow you to ensure that you are happy, healthy, and know all about your body!