How to Get Rid of Gallstones

How to prevent varicose veins?

There are many factors that cause the development of varicose veins. Unfortunately, there is no way to completely prevent varicose veins from forming. However, there are many treatment options for varicose veins and some of these tips can even help you live a healthier, more fulfilled lifestyle overall.

Keep reading to learn more about varicose vein treatment and how to avoid the risk factors that cause varicose veins. 

Changing your sleep position during pregnancy

One of the largest factors for varicose veins forming is pregnancy. The expansion of the uterus puts pressure on one of the largest veins located in the pelvic region. Since this vein runs alongside the middle-right of the body, however, sleeping more on the left side during pregnancy can actually help alleviate pressure and deter varicose veins from forming. This can also ease any current symptoms of varicose veins that already exist. 

Increasing circulation in the legs

Many jobs include sitting or standing for long periods of time. Unfortunately, this cuts off healthy blood circulation to the legs. Pressure can even build in the veins during this time. You may even notice extra swelling or achiness around the feet, calves, or ankles due to low circulation.

Performing small exercises throughout the day can help increase blood flow and decrease varicose vein symptoms. Try stretching out your ankles, bending your knees, or peddling your feet occasionally. You can also elevate your legs a few times a day at fifteen minute intervals to decrease ankle swelling. 

Wearing compression support

Doctors typically recommend compression support like socks or stockings that can help alleviate varicose vein symptoms like swelling and pain. Compression support tools can also help support vein valves, improve vein function, and lessen cramping. There are a few different types and levels of compression support depending on the severity of your varicose veins, as well. 

Implementing exercise and a healthy routine

Some exercises can help improve varicose veins and prevent more from forming. Daily walks, yoga, cycling, and swimming are all beneficial exercises that aid in the reduction of varicose veins. Hydration is also extremely important for healthy blood circulation. Foods high in good fats, potassium, and fiber, as well as a healthy diet, can also help reduce the risk for varicose veins. 

Other varicose vein treatment options

When it comes to varicose veins, there are many risk factors that are out of your control. Family history, age, and gender are all factors towards varicose veins forming. Though regular exercise, hydration, a balanced diet, and the tips above can help, you may still be affected by varicose veins.
Some treatment options, like endothermal ablation, sclerotherapy, and ligation and stripping, can help treat varicose veins. Contact Surgical Associates for more information on how these treatment options can help.