What to Eat After a Colonoscopy

After a colonoscopy, your diet can matter. Find out how to eat while you recover.

A colonoscopy is a medical procedure to examine the inside of the colon. It is typically done to detect and diagnose potential health concerns, like colon cancer or polyps. After the procedure, recovery time is usually around 24 hours. During this time, patients are encouraged to follow specific dietary guidelines to help them recover quickly. Let’s look at how to eat after a colonoscopy.

Eating After a Colonoscopy

After a colonoscopy, paying attention to your dietary habits is essential. While you may feel a bit groggy and uncomfortable, it is crucial to start eating to help your body begin to recover. There are certain foods that doctors recommend to help speed up the recovery process.

Clear Liquids

One type of food that is recommended after a colonoscopy is clear liquids, including water, broth, and juices. These drinks will rehydrate your body and provide the fluids you need to get back to normal. In the immediate aftermath of the procedure, it is essential to drink clear liquids to flush out any remaining sedatives and fluids used during the colonoscopy. Additionally, clear liquids can help to alleviate discomfort or bloating during recovery.

It is important to note that drinking clear liquids does not mean you should only drink water. Clear broths and clear juices, like apple juice and white grape juice, are also great options. The electrolytes in these liquids can help replenish the body, especially if you feel dehydrated. Clear sports drinks, like Gatorade or Powerade, are also recommended by some doctors to help with dehydration. Take small sips and start slow with any liquids.

Low-Fiber Foods

Another type of food that is recommended after a colonoscopy is low-fiber food. This includes foods like white bread, rice, and pasta. These foods are easy to digest and will not strain your system, which is essential during recovery. The reason for this is that during the colonoscopy procedure, the colon is cleaned out using a liquid solution, which can cause the colon to be sensitive and tender. In addition to this, eating high-fiber foods can put unnecessary pressure on the colon and cause discomfort.

Prioritizing tender proteins and baked goods can help you to get the nutrients you need during your recovery. Some people may also be able to tolerate dairy. It is often best to follow the instructions offered by your doctor. 

Eat for a Faster Recovery

Eating the right foods can help you recover more quickly after a colonoscopy. Clear liquids and low-fiber foods will help rehydrate your body and provide the energy you need to get back to normal. It is also essential to drink plenty of water and avoid any foods that are high in fiber. Before long, you will recover and be ready to eat your favorite foods again.

The Takeaway

A colonoscopy may not always be pleasant, but it can save your life. After you have participated in this helpful screening process, you will just want to be a little careful with what you eat and follow your doctor’s orders. To learn more about colon screening, contact our team to set up an appointment!